Fusion for Energy
Hellasfusion Research Teams
UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS - Fusion Research Team
Head of Research Team : Stavros Ch. Kasinos, Assistant Professor
Telephone: +357-22-89-22-96
Fax: +357-22-89-22-54
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• G. Georgiou- Assistant Professor • Ch. Charalampous - Assistant Professor • P. Razis- Professor • Α. Alexandrou- Professor • A. Papadakis - Postdoc Reseracher • D. Gregoriades - Postdoc Reseracher • Hari Radhakrishnan - Postdoc Reseracher • Ε. Demosthenous - Doctoral Candidate |
Scientific Interests:
• Υπολογιστική ΜΥΔ και εφαρμογές στη ροή υγρών μετάλλων σε περίπλοκες γεωμετρίες και στη ροή πλάσματος. |
Publications in Fusion : | |
• S. C. Kassinos, B.Knaepen, D. Carati "The transport of a passive scalar in MHD turbulence subjected to mean shear and frame rotation" Physics of Fluids, 19(1), 015105, DOI: 10.1063/1.2409732, 2007 | |
• A. Papadakis, G. E. Georghiou and A. C. Metaxas "Two-dimensional axisymmetric simulations and the heating effects associated with DC atmospheric pressure discharges during the post-streamer stage" IET Science, Meas. and Tech, Vol 1, p113-120, 2007 | |
• S.C. Kassinos, B. Knaepen and A. Wray "The structure of MHD turbulence subjected to mean shear and frame rotation" Journal of Turbulence, 7(26), DOI: 10.1080/14685240600635846, 2006 | |
• A. Papadakis, G. E. Georghiou and A. C. Metaxas "Numerical Algorithm for the Transition from Non-Thermal to Thermal Plasma" Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Vol 14, p250-258, 2005 | |
• A. Hallac, G. E. Georghiou and A. C. Metaxas "Streamer Branching in Transient Non-Uniform Short Gap Discharges Using Numerical Modelling" IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol 33, No 2, 266-267, 2005 | |
• B. Knaepen, S. C. Kassinos and D. Carati "MHD turbulence at moderate magnetic Reynolds number" Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 513, 199-220, 2004 | |
• Jungyeon Cho, A. Lazarian, Albert Honein, Bernard Knaepen, Stavros Kassinos, and Parviz Moin "Thermal conduction in magnetized turbulent gas" The Astrophysical Journal, 589, L77-L80, 2003 | |
• Daniele Carati, Stavros Kassinos, Bernard Knaepen "Complex effects in MHD: from astrophysics to liquid metals" Published by the Center for Turbulence Research, 2006 | |
Annual Reports: | |
• Annual Report 2007 | 1.3-3. Use and development of MHD code in relation to liquid metal blanket 1.4 Power and particle exhaust, plasma-wall interaction 4.4 MHD flows and turbulences |
• Annual Report 2008 | 1.2.2 Particle transport model 1.3.3 Effects of rotation on stability of multi-phase MHD turbulence 1.5.2 Study of heating effects 1.7.1 Development of computational fluid dynamics solvers for liquid-metal flows relevant to blanket modules 1.7.3. Development of an immersed boundary solver for MHD flow for blanket modules (DEMO incl.) 4.2.1 Car-Parinello modelling of proton-wall interaction |
• Annual Report 2009 |
1.2.2 Particle transport model 1.3.3 Effects of rotation on stability of multi-phase MHD turbulence 1.7.1 Development of computational fluid dynamics solvers for liquid-metal flows relevant to blanket modules 1.7.3. Development of an immersed boundary solver for MHD flow for blanket modules 3.4.2 Use of ab initio molecular dynamics to provide atomic/molecular data for the understanding of the chemical erosion at the plasma-wall interface (in particular Be) 3.4.5 3D Spectral full MHD Code: Scalar and particle transport in MHD turbulence |
Team's website |
Last Updated (Tuesday, 06 November 2012 09:15)