C1 10th School and Workshop on Fusion Physics and Technology
The Administrative Committee of the Research Unit of the Association and the University of Thessaly organised the “10th School and Workshop on Fusion Physics and Technology”, held in Volos from 9 to 13 May 2011. Although for budgetary reasons, the School lasted for 5 days (instead of 6), it was once again well organized and very successful fulfilling all its educational and scientific objectives. In particular, the School lasted for 5 days, which were organised in 17 Sessions as follows: 1 Introductory session, 10 sessions for School Lectures, 2
Tutorial Sessions, 3 Workshops and 1 Mini-Symposium. The lectures had been programmed to be given by 14 distinguished visiting scholars (in alphabetical order: Borie, Buehler, Carati, Day, Giannella, Grammatikopoulos, Haidemenopoulos, Hogge, Igochine, Knaepen, Konz, Mistrangelo, Ram, Sergis) as well as by the scientific personnel of the Association. The audience consisted of graduate students and young scientists (mostly, affiliated with the Research Unit), as well as students interested in participating in fusion activities. In order of presentation, the following talks were given:
Monday - 9 May 2011
Opening & Invited Lectures
J. Vomvoridis: Basics of Fusion Energy
A. Anastasiadis: Basic concepts of plasmas
R. Giannella: Activities of the European Fusion Associations
School Lectures – 1
I. Kominis: Charged particle dynamics
A. Ram: Energy, environment and thermonuclear fusion
Tuesday - 10 May 2011
School Lectures – 2
J. Vomvoridis: Kinetic theory
D. Valougeorgis: Kinetic modelling for vacuum flows in DT fusion reactors
School Lectures – 3
L. Buehler: Asymptotic methods for modeling of liquid-metal flows in strong magnetic fields
C. Day: Size matters – The vacuum systems of ITER and beyond
Poster Session (1)
Workshop - 1: Kinetic Theory and Transport
I. Kominis, A. Ram, K. Hizanidis: Kinetic formulation of transport of charged particles interacting with coherent EM waves in plasmas
H. Isliker: Particle and heat transport in turbulent environment: A unified approach to deterministic, stochastic, and fractional transport
School Lectures – 4
A. Ram: Fusion energy: Dancing with the stars
Teacher-Student Interaction (1)
Wednesday - 11 May 2011
School Lectures – 5
G. Throumoulopoulos: Introduction to Magnetohydrodynamics D. Carati: Dynamics of electrically conducting fluids
School Lectures – 6
L. Lalousis: Compressible MHD (ideal/resistive) V. Igochine: Introduction to plasma stability
Poster Session (2)
School Lectures – 7
V. Igochine: Operational limits and MHD instabilities in modern tokamaks and ITER N. Pelekasis: Introduction to hydrodynamic and MHD stability
Workshop - 2: MHD and Plasma Stability
L. Buehler, C. Mistrangelo: Analysis of liquid-metal MHD flows in the European Test Blanket module
L. Vlahos: Instabilities driven by energetic particles
G. Poulipoulis, G. Throumoulopoulos, C. Konz: Extending HELENA to equilibria with flow Meeting of Hellenic Programme (Agenda prepared by K. Hizanidis)
Thursday - 12 May 2011
School Lectures – 8
A. Ram: Heating and current drive by radio frequency waves
C. Tsironis: Modeling of electromagnetic wave propagation in tokamak devices and applications
School Lectures – 9
J.-P. Hogge: A gyrotron overview
E. Borie: Simulation of RF behaviour in the gyrotron cavity
Poster Session (3)
Workshop - 3: Gyrotrons – ECRH
J.-P. Hogge: Gyrotrons for the ITER ECRH System
E. Borie: Development of 140 GHz, 1MW CW gyrotrons for Fusion applications – Progress and recent results
K. Avramidis: Gyrotron interaction simulations with tapered magnetοstatic field G. Anastassiou: Power enhancement of the Gaussian RF beam of a gyrotron I. Tigelis: Recent numerical results for gyrotron beam tunnels by CST
M. Moraitou: Numerical results for TE and hybrid modes in corrugated coaxial wave guides
S. Moustaizis: Progress on compact magnetic fusion devices: initiative for a Neutron Test Facility
School Lectures – 10
S. Moustaizis: Negative ions - Neutral beams & potential applications to magnetic fusion
Teacher/Student Interaction (2)
Friday - 13 May 2011
School Lectures – 10
G. Haidemenopoulos: Materials at high temperatures
P. Grammatikopoulos: Fusion relevant materials: Problems and perspectives
P. Grammatikopoulos: Computer simulation of dislocation interaction with radiation-induced obstacles in iron
Mini Symposium: Modeling Vacuum Flows, Viscous MHD, Turbulence and Heat Transfer D. Carati: Particle tracking in MHD turbulence
C. Dritselis, N. Vlachos: MHD turbulent channel flow with heat transfer
S. Pantazis, S. Misdanitis, D. Valougeorgis: Simulation of non-linear flows under any vacuum conditions
L. Lihnaropoulos, D. Valougeorgis: Transient vacuum gas flows through cylindrical ducts
Poster Session (4)
Mini Symposium: Modeling Viscous MHD, Vacuum Flows, Turbulence and Heat Transfer P. Lalousis: Fuelling of Fusion reactors
A.Sergis: Anomalous heat transfer modes of nanofluids: A review based on statistical analysis
S.Misdanitis, D. Valougeorgis: Design of gas distribution systems consisting of long tubes under any vacuum conditions
D.Dimopoulos, N. Pelekasis: Magnetic field effects on 3D stability of natural convection in differentially heated cavities
S.Kakarantzas, B. Knaepen: Simulation and modelling of the IFMIF Lithium target flow
A.Iatridis, I. Sarris, N. Vlachos: Direct numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamic flow in toroidal ducts
I.Sarris, D. Carati: Large-eddy simulation of non-equilibrium Kolmogorov flow in the presence of external magnetic fields
C2 Other Fusion-Related Educational Activities in Greece
During year 2011, a total of twenty four graduate students were enrolled in the participating Universities, with fusion-related subjects. Of these, four students were participating in M.Sc. level programmes and twenty in Ph.D. programmes. Of these, one Ph.D. degree was awarded to Dr. S. Pantazis.
In addition, the following courses were given by faculty members (affiliated with the Association) to students, for education and training in fusion-related disciplines, in the frame of their University Curricula (hours per week per semester):
•NTUA: Plasma Waves, 13 × 4 hours per semester (undergraduate),
•NTUA: Beams and High-Power Microwaves, 13 × 4 hours per semester (undergraduate; focusing on the physics of fusion plasma heating devices),
•NTUA: Plasma Kinetic Theory, 13 × 3 hours per semester (graduate),
•NTUA: Introduction to Fusion Physics and Technology, 13 × 3 hours per semester (graduate and undergraduate)
•U. of Athens: Astrophysics Plasmas, 13 × 4 hours per semester (undergraduate),
•U. of Athens: Theory and Applications of Microwaves, 13 × 4 hours per semester (graduate),
•U. of Ioannina: Introduction to Plasma Physics, 13 × 4 hours per semester (under- graduate),
•U. of Ioannina: Plasma Physics, 13 × 4 hours per semester (graduate),
•U. of Ioannina: Energy Resources, 13 × 4 hours per semester (undergraduate; one third of the course concerns Fusion),
•U. of Thessaly: Kinetic Theory and Microfluidics, 13 × 3 (postgraduate; refers to the vacuum systems of DT fusion reactors)
•U. of Thessaly: Advanced Fluid Mechanics, 13 × 3 (postgraduate; 3-hours on MHD and fusion)
•U. of Thessaloniki: Plasma Physics, 13 × 3 hours per semester (undergraduate),
•Technical University of Crete: Courses on plasma diagnostics, neutron generation from high density and high temperature plasma, Negative ions production and neutralization and 2-D MHD code for fusion devices, 13 × 3 hours per semester (graduate)
•Technical University of Crete: Laser Matter Interaction, 13 × 3 hours per semester (graduate; 10% of the course concerns Fusion)
•Technical University of Crete: Laser plasma spectroscopy and diagnostics, 13 × 3 hours per semester (graduate; 10% of the course concerns Fusion)
•U. of Cyprus: Statistical Theory and Modelling of Turbulent Flow, (graduate; 20% of the course refers to magnetohydrodynamic flows),
•U. of Cyprus: Energy Conversion Systems, (undergraduate; 15% of the course refers to fusion technologies)
Of these courses, the Plasma courses, in addition to providing the general background material, typically contain fusion as a discrete entity or refer to fusion in application examples.
Finally, the UoThly is one of the five partners of the EFDA GOT Programme on Vacuum Technologies and Pumping (VACU-TEC). The duration of the programme is 4 years (1/11/2010-31/10/2013), while one of the five trainees is Christos Tantos who is a mechanical engineering and a Post Graduate student at UoThly.
C3 2011 Expenditure and Personnel
The activities of the Association are funded (by about equal amounts) by the Fusion Programme of the European Union, by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology and by the participating Research Centres and Universities. The total expenditures of the Association in year 2011 are presented in the following table, rounded to kEuro (with the same figures for the previous two years, as well as the 2012 budget, for the purpose of comparison):
The personnel of the Association for year 2011 is presented in the following table (in Full-time equivalent), separately for physics, emerging technologies, and other fusion activities:
C4 2011 Co-operations and Mobility Missions
Most of the work of the Research Unit of the Association is performed in collaboration with other Associations. This is facilitated by the Mobility scheme of the EURATOM Fusion Programme. During year 2011, the following missions were undertaken by personnel of the Research Unit:
C5 2011 Publications
Part of the work of the Association has appeared (or, has been accepted for publication) in scientific journals and conferences during year 2011. These publications are presented in the following list (in alphabetical order, by the name of the first author, with underlined the names of personnel affiliated with the Research Unit):
[1] S. Alberti, T. M. Tran, K. A. Avramides, F. Li, and J.-P. Hogge, “Gyrotron parasitic- effects studies using the time-dependent self-consistent monomode code TWANG”, 36th Int. Conf. Infrared Millimeter THz Waves, 2-7 October 2011, Houston ,TX, USA, Conference proceedings, Tu5.15.
[2] X. Albets-Chico, H. Rhadakrishnan, S. C. Kassinos, B. Knaepen, “Numerical simulation of a liquid-metal flow in a poorly conducting pipe subjected to a strong fringing magnetic field”, Physics of Fluids 23, 047101, doi:10.1063/1.3570686 (2011).
[3] X. Albets-Chico, H. Rhadakrishnan, S. Kassinos, “Full MHD solution of liquid-metal flow in an insulating pipe subjected to a strong fringing magnetic field”, Accepted in Fusion Science and Technology, (2011).
[4] X. Albets-Chico, E. V. Votyakov, H. Rhadakrishnan, S. Kassinos, “Effects of Consistency of the Fringing Magnetic Field on Direct Numerical Simulations of Liquid-Metal Flow”, Fusion Engineering and Design 86, 5 (2011).
[5] G. Apostolopoulos, K. Mergia, S. Messoloras, A. Lagoyannis, “Resistivity Recovery of iron-chromium alloys after low-temperature irradiation”, Workshop on Ion Implantation as a Neutron Irradiation Analogue, Oxford, UK, September 26-28, 2011.
[6] G. Apostolopoulos, K. Mergia, S. Messoloras, A. Lagoyannis, “Resistivity recovery of proton irradiated Fe-Cr alloys”, 13th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, Rosenheim, Germany, May 9-13, 2011.
[7] D. Dimopoulos and N. Pelekasis, “Three dimensional stability of free convection vortices in the presence of a magnetic field”, submitted to the Journal of Fluid Dynamic Research.
[8] C. D. Dritselis, I. E. Sarris, D. K. Fidaros, and N. S. Vlachos, “Transport and deposition of neutral particles in magnetohydrodynamic turbulent channel flows at low magnetic Reynolds numbers”, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 32, 365–377 (2011).
[9] C. D. Dritselis and N. S. Vlachos, “Effect of magnetic field on near-wall coherent structures and heat transfer in magnetohydrodynamic turbulent channel flow of low Prandtl number fluids”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 54, 3594–3604 (2011).
[10] Z. C. Ioannidis, K. A. Avramides, G. P. Latsas, and I. G. Tigelis, “Azimuthal mode coupling in coaxial waveguides and cavities with longitudinally corrugated insert”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 39(5), 1213-1221, May 2011.
[11] Z. C. Ioannidis, G. P. Latsas, I. G. Tigelis, and K. A. Avramides, “Parametric study on the ohmic loading of the 170-GHz 2-MW EU coaxial gyrotron cavity”, 38th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2011), 26-30 June 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, Poster IP1J-3.
[12] N. Kanaris, D. Grigoriadis, S. C. Kassinos, “Three dimensional flow around a circular cylinder confined in a plane channel”, Physics of Fluids 23, 064106, doi:10.1063 /1.3599703 (2011).
[13] S. Kern, A. Roy Choudhury, D. D’Andrea, A. Schlaich, K. Avramides, and S. Alberti “Recent advances in gyrotron interaction simulations”, Russian-German Workshop on ECRH and Gyrotrons 2011, 8 April 2011.
[14] Y. Kominis, A. K. Ram, and K. Hizanidis, “Interaction of charged particles with localized electrostatic waves in a magnetized plasma”, Phys. Rev. E 85, 016404 (2012).
[15] Y. Kominis, K. Hizanidis, A. K. Ram, P. Zestanakis, and C. Tsironis, “Quasilinear theory revisited: General kinetic formulation of wave-particle interactions in RF heating and current drive in fusion plasmas” (Invited talk), 14th European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC), Frascati, Italy, September 26-29 (2011).
[16] Y. Kominis, K. Hizanidis, and A.K. Ram, “Quasilinear kinetic formulation of wave- particle interactions in RF heating and current drive”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 56(16), abstract NP9.00074, 53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 14–18 (2011).
[17] A. Kuiroukidis and G. N. Throumoulopoulos, “Up-down asymmetric tokamak equilibria with parallel flows”, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 53, 125005 (2011).
[18] P. Lalousis, “Self-consistent 3D calculation of the ablation rate of pellets with high injection velocities”, 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, France, (PD2.05) 27 June-1 July 2011.
[19] G. P. Latsas, Z. C. Ioannidis and I. G. Tigelis, “Numerical studies on the parasitic modes in gyrotron beam tunnels”, ICOPS 2011, 26-30 June 2011, Chicago IL, USA.
[20] J. Lihnaropoulos and D. Valougeorgis, “Unsteady vacuum gas flow in cylindrical tubes”, Fusion Engineering and Design 86, 2139–2142, (2011).
[21] Ch. Linsmeier, C.-C. Fu, A. Kaprolat, S.F. Nielsen, K. Mergia, R. Schäublin, R. Lindau, H. Bolt, J.-Y. Buffière, M.J. Caturla, H. Greuner, M. Hofmann, C. Hugenschmidt, T. Jourdan, M. Köppen, J. Riesch, B. Schillinger, A. Vollmer, J.-H. You and A. Zivelonghi, “Advanced materials characterization and modeling using synchrotron, neutron, TEM, and novel micro-mechanical techniques – A European effort to accelerate fusion materials development”, 15th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Charleston, S. Carolina, USA, October 16-22, 2011.
[22] Ch. Linsmeier, C.-C. Fu, A. Kaprolat, S.F. Nielsen, K. Mergia, R. Schäublin, R. Lindau, H. Bolt, J.-Y. Buffière, M.J. Caturla, H. Greuner, M. Hofmann, C. Hugenschmidt, T. Jourdan, M. Köppen, J. Riesch, B. Schillinger, A. Vollmer, J.-H. You and A. Zivelonghi, “Advanced materials characterization and modeling using synchrotron, neutron, TEM, and novel micro-mechanical techniques – A European effort to accelerate fusion materials development”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, to be published in 2012.
[23] A. V. Malygin, I. Gr. Pagonakis, S. Illy, K. A. Avramides, B. Piosczyk, S. Kern, and M. Thumm, “Three-dimensional numerical studies of non-uniform emission in magnetron injection guns”, 8th International Workshop “Strong Microwaves and Terahertz Waves: Sources and Applications”, 9–16 July 2011, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, Conference proceedings, pp. 99-100.
[24] J. T. Mendonça and K. Hizanidis, “Improved model of quasi-particle turbulence (with applications to Alfvén and drift wave turbulence)”, Phys. Plasmas 18, 112306 (2011).
[25] S. Misdanitis, S. Pantazis and D. Valougeorgis, “Non-equilibrium flows through micro- slits and micro-orifices”, 7th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, June 30-July2, Athens, Greece (2011).
[26] S. Misdanitis, S. Pantazis and D. Valougeorgis, “Pressure driven rarefied gas flow through a slit and an orifice”, Vacuum, doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2012.02.014, 2012.
[27] S. Misdanitis and D. Valougeorgis, “Design of steady-state isothermal gas distribution systems consisting of long tubes in the whole range of the Knudsen number”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 29(6), 061602-1 - 061602-7, (2011).
[28] M. Negrea, I. Petrisor, H. Isliker, A. Vogiannou, L. Vlahos and B. Weyssow, “Ion and impurity transport in turbulent, anisotropic magnetic fields”, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 53, 085022-1 - 085022-25 (2011).
[29] S. Pantazis, S. Varoutis, Chr. Day and D. Valougeorgis, “Gas – surface scattering effect on vacuum gas flows through rectangular channels”, Vacuum 85, 1161-1164, (2011).
[30] M. Pissas, M. Zeibekis, D. Stamopoulos, Chunlei Wang and Yanwei Ma, “Irreversibility line of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 (Tc = 36.9 K) superconductor studied with ac-susceptibility measurements”, Physica C (accepted, to be published in 2012).
[31] A.K. Ram, K. Hizanidis, and Y. Kominis, “Scattering of radio frequency waves by edge density blobs and fluctuations in tokamak plasmas ”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society Volume 56, Number 16, abstract NP9.00073, 53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 14–18 (2011).
[32] A. Samartsev, G. Gantenbein, S. Illy, S. Kern, G. Latsas, M. Thumm, and I. G. Tigelis, Numerical simulation of parasitic gyro-BWO interaction in a gyrotron beam tunnel, 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 2 – 7 October 2011, Houston TX, USA.
[33] R. Schäublin, A. Prokhodtseva, SMH Haghighat, D. Raabe, K. Mergia, G. Apostolopoulos and C. Hebert, “Influence of Cr on the plasticity of Fe-Cr alloys”, 15th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, Charleston, S. Carolina, USA, October 16-22, 2011
[34] H. Tasso and G. N. Throumoulopoulos, “Lyapunov stability of flowing magnetohydrodynamic plasmas surrounded by resistive walls”, 14th European Fusion Theory Conference, September 26-29, 2011, Frascati, Roma, Italy, Programme published by ENEA Communication Unit, Abstract P2.15, p.91 (2011); also at Phys. Plasmas 18, 070702 (2011).
[35] H. Tasso and G. N. Throumoulopoulos, “A comparison of Vlasov with drift kinetic and gyrokinetic theories”, 14th European Fusion Theory Conference, September 26-29, 2011, Frascati, Roma, Italy, Programme published by ENEA Communication Unit, Abstract P1.21, p. 71 (2011); also at Phys. Plasmas 18, 064507 (2011).
[36] C. Tsironis, D. Kakogiannos, I. K. Giannopoulos and D. Kalligeropoulos, “Thermonuclear fusion plasma as an automatic control system: Overview and applications”, Proc. eRA-6 International Conference, Athens-Greece.
[37] T. Vasilopoulou, F. Tzika, I.E. Stamatelatos, “Collimated scanning for large sample neutron activation analysis of inhomogeneous samples”,13th International Conference on Modern Trends In Activation Analysis, MTAA-13, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA 13-18 March 2011.
[38] X. Xu, D. Rouson, S. C. Kassinos, and H. Radhakrishnan, “Dispersed-phase structure in sheared MHD turbulence”, Journal of Turbulence, 636046, DOI: 10.1080 /14685248.2011.636046, 2011.
[39] P.A. Zestanakis, K. Hizanidis, Y. Kominis, A.K. Ram, “Ion heating by high frequency RF waves”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society Volume 56, Number 16, abstract NP9.00075, 53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 14–18 (2011).
Last Updated (Friday, 11 January 2013 13:09)