CHAPTER C - C3 2012 Expenditure and Personnel
The activities of the Association are funded (by about equal amounts) by the Fusion Programme of the European Union, by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology and by the participating Research Centres and Universities. The total expenditures of the Association in year 2012 are presented in the following table, rounded to kEuro (with the same figures for the previous two years, as well as the 2013 budget, for the purpose of comparison):
Physics |
Emerging Technologies |
Mobility |
Year’s total |
Other fusion activities (EFDA, JET, F4E etc) |
2010 |
1.709 |
362 |
136 |
2.207 |
160 |
2011 |
1.718 |
287 |
120 |
2.125 |
263 |
2012 (draft) |
1.658 |
286 |
154 |
2.098 |
423 |
2013 (Budget) |
1.644 |
410 |
149 |
2.203 |
334 |
The personnel of the Association for year 2012 is presented in the following table (in Full-time equivalent), separately for physics, emerging technologies, and other fusion activities:
Physics |
Emerging Technologies |
Year’s total |
Other fusion activities (EFDA, JET, F4E etc) |
Faculty members |
8.13 |
8.13 |
1.33 |
Ph.D. Researchers |
12.75 |
3.8 |
16.55 |
2.99 |
Graduate Researchers |
11.05 |
2 |
13.05 |
1.01 |
Non-Professional |
1.20 |
1.20 |
Last Updated (Thursday, 27 February 2014 13:45)