Invitation from Henrik Bindslev - Participation in the Fusion for Energy Forum Exhibition
On behalf of Henrik Bindslev, Director ‘Fusion for Energy’
Dear Heads of Research Units,
As you know, Fusion for Energy is preparing the 1st Annual Fusion for Energy Forum to take place on 10-12 June 2015.
We are already seeing a lot of interest from industry in this fusion business event which will aim at:
- Presenting upcoming opportunities for industry, SMEs and fusion research organisations
- Promoting networking between industrial actors, industry and SMEs
- Promoting trans-European networking between public research organisations and industrial actors
- Highlighting challenges, success stories and benefits from participation in ITER and fusion
- Presenting status of Europe’s contribution to ITER and Broader Approach projects
The Fusion for Energy Forum is targeting mainly industry and SMEs and European Fusion Laboratories, who may wish to engage in the design and manufacturing of ITER components.
The event will include:
- Plenary and Thematic sessions on broad strategic issues and specific themes
- Thematic sessions on upcoming opportunities for industry, SMEs and fusion research organisations
- Thematic sessions on how to do business with F4E – conditions, incentives, new measures (challenges and success stories)
- Networking of participants: Business2Business meetings, presentation of companies, informal networking
- One-to-One meetings with F4E staff
During this first Annual Fusion for Energy Forum, we will in particular promote the cooperation between industry and the fusion research organisations (EFLs).
In this context, we encourage EFLs to actively participate in the ”Business 2 Business” meetings and to suggest possible themes of interest for the thematic sessions
(e.g. liabilities, nuclear safety environment, right conditions for partnership with industry, etc.).
In addition, F4E is offering the possibility to EFLs to participate in the exhibition free of charge. This would allow those EFLs that are interested in participating to showcase their know-how and facilities to attract interest from industry.
I would like to formally invite you to express your interest to participate in the Fusion for Energy Forum Exhibition. Information about the logistical arrangements will be provided in due course.
Last but not least, we have launched a specific website where all relevant information about the event will be posted: http://f4eforum.eu/ .
I invite you to visit it from time to time, share it with your list of contacts and register to the newsletter of the forum.
In the meantime, I would appreciate to receive confirmation that your fusion laboratory is interested in participating in the Forum Exhibition.
Please send your replies to Stavros Chatzipanagiotou (stavros.chatzipanagiotou@f4e.
I look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to the first Annual Fusion for Energy Forum in Barcelona on 10-12 June 2015.
Best regards,
Henrik Bindslev
Director of Fusion for Energy
Last Updated (Monday, 03 November 2014 13:00)