Research Unit
1.Greek Partner to the European Fusion Programme is the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT), which has signed the Contract of Association as well as its amendments and extensions. The GSRT has delegated all rights and obligations arising from the Contract of Association to the Institute of Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection (INTRP) of the National Centre of Scientific Research (N.C.S.R.) "Demokritos". In addition, the GSRT appoints the national representatives in the Consultative Committee of Euratom for Fusion (CCE - FU). At present the members of this committee are:
•K. Hizanidis
•E. Stavrianoudaki
2.The monitoring of the programme progress is realised by the bilateral Steering Committee (SC). The members of the Greek side are also appointed by the GSRT and at present are:
•I. Papazoglou
•J. Vomvoridis
•E. Stavrianoudaki
3.The monitoring, the coordination and the planning of the National Program of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion (NPCTF) are realised by the Administrative Committee that was appointed by the GSRT and at present its members are:
•I. Papazoglou, President
•J. Vomvoridis
•K. Hizanidis
•V. Kamenopoulou
•E. Stavrianoudaki
4.The scientific and technological work of NPCTF is performed by the Research Unit. The Head of Research Unit is appointed by the Steering Committee upon proposal by the Greek side. From the beginning of the program (June 1999) until June 2009 these duties had been assigned to J. Vomvoridis.While in June 2009 has taken K. Hizanidis.
5.The Research Unit consists of Research Teams, which undertake specific parts of NPCTF. The Research Teams belong administratively to Research Centres, Higher Education Institutes, and other scientific and research institutions with appropriate infrastructure in equipment and personnel. At present the composition of the Research Unit includes the following Research Teams:
•The Institute of Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection (INTRP), NCSR "Demokritos" (one research team for Technology and one for Physics)
•The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
•The Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of the Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH)
•The Department of Physics, University of Ioannina (UoI)
•The Department of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA)
•The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Thessaly (UoTh)
•The Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)
•Polytechnical School and Physics Department, University of Cyprus
The participation of additional Research Teams, as well as the suspension of the participation of a Research Team, are decided by the Administrative Committee of NPCTF and the Steering Committee.
6.Each Research Team is represented by a Project Leader for all kinds of communication with the Research Unit.
7.Each Research Team has the responsibility to prepare its part of the work programme, to keep detailed accounts (in auditable form), and to prepare for the Research Unit the appropriate periodical recapitulative statements of its progress and its accounts in the form required.
8.Funding of each Research Team consists of basic funding (internally, from the corresponding institution) and supplementary funding (from the Programme). The supplementary funding that corresponds in each Research Team is determined by the Administrative Committee, in line with the decisions of the Steering Committee, taking into account the volume of the activities and any special needs. The external funding (by EURATOM and the GSRT) of the Research Unit is used in order to provide the supplementary funding of each Research Team and to cover the general expenses of the Association.
9.In contracts signed by the legal representative of Institution of each Research Team and the Director of INTRP of NCSR "Demokritos", the conditions of participation of each Research Team in the Programme, the work of each annual period that is undertaken by the Team, the corresponding budget and the terms of funding are specified.
Last Updated (Tuesday, 06 November 2012 09:13)