• Gyrotron Superconductive Magnet System: documents
• June 2010 (# 3) issue of F4E News
• Invitation for the Fusion Industry Innovation Forum (FIIF), Brussels 6th July 2010.
• Seminar on "An overview of the ITER REMOTE HANDLING SYSTEMS and the relating EU Procurement Packages", Budapest,14th July 2010
. Invitation for the Annual Fusion Seminar 2010 (2 - 3 June 2010, VTT, Tampere, Finland).
• F4E will hold a meeting between its lawyers ILOs and lawyers from the private sector, the 2nd of June, in Barcelona, in order to solve the questions of interpretation of some F4E contract clauses. Points of discussions may address contracts on general. Points of an ongoing procedure will not be discussed. If there is a matter on F4E contract clauses your company considers it should be discussed, please inform us inorder to forward it on discussion.
Contact person:
Mrs. Eleni Stavrianoudaki,
General Secretariat for Research & Technology
International S&T Cooperation Directorate - Bilateral Relations Division
Mesogeion 14-18, GR-11527 Athens, Greece
Tel: +30-210-7458100, Fax: +30-210-7714153
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
• The preliminary program for the Annual Finnish Fusion Seminar (VTT, Tampere, 2-3.6.2010), which is held by Tekes, Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (URL:
.Tables containing the competences of France,Holland,Switzerland for the ITER Blanket
-Swiss Competences for the ITER Blanket
-French Competences for the ITER Blanket
-Dutch Competences for the ITER Blanket
• ITER US has published the following procurement proclamation for theDevelopment of Stainless Steel Jacketed Mineral Insulated Copper Conductor For Use in High Radiation and High Temperature Environments :
and the extension of the deadline for the submission of the offers until 26th of March 2010
• The agenda of the "Meeting with Material Manufacturers for the ITER Vacuum Vessel and Ports Components". This meeting will be held in 8.2.2010 in F4E offices in Barcelona,Spain.
•You are invited on 8th of February 2010 in Fusion for Energy premises to a meeting about Vacuum Vessel material grades.
-Registration_Form∙2nd October, 2009. France-Spain business meeting around ITER in Barcelona,Spain.
- Remote Handling - Europe's Contribution to ITER 2 October 2009 - C Damiani
- Analysis & Codes - Europe's Contribution to ITER 2 October 2009 - APortone
- ITER and a European industrial policy - 2nd October 2009 - B Perier
- Cryoplant - Franco-Spanish workshop - 2nd October 2009 M Simon
∙13th October, 2009. ITER Organization's Headquarters : Information meeting for enterprises
ITER France Agency organizes a specific meeting at Cadarache Castle, on the 13th of October (10:00-12:30), to present to Civil engineering and construction companies the architectural and technical project of I.O Headquarters, the future call for tender and commercial clauses.
AIF's website will be shortly updated and completed with detailed programme and registration form.
Last Updated (Tuesday, 07 December 2010 14:12)