This is an activity organized by the Association on an annual basis, with the aim of educating students (from diverse institutions and with diverse background) on basic aspects of Fusion Physics and Technology, of informing them of the scientific and technological advances on the subject (primarily, those related to the work of the research teams of the Association), by bringing together scientists and students from all participating institutions. During the reporting period, this school was organized at the University of Thessaly (16-21 May 2002) under the auspices of the Administrative Committee of the Research Unit of the Association. During this 5-day school, the research activities of the Greek members of the Association were presented and a series of lectures on fusion relevant subjects were given by a number of Greek experts on Fusion to an audience of 30 graduate students and young scientists. In order of presentation, the following talks were given:
A. Grecos: Introduction to Plasma and Magnetofluidmechanics
G. Throumoulopoulos: Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics and Equilibrium States
G. Poulipoulis: Tokamak Equilibrium with Reversed Magnetic Field
J. Vomvoridis: Introduction to Plasma Kinetic Theory
I. Tigelis: Microwaves and Fusion Application
L. Vlahos: Plasma Waves and Instabilities
H. Isliker: Random Walks through Fractal Environments
K. Hizanidis: Nonlinear Phenomena in a Plasma
J. Vomvoridis, K. Hizanidis and I. Tigelis: Beam-wave Interactions and High-Power RF Generation
A. Lazaros: Interaction of Supra-thermal Particles and Magnetic Fluctuations
L. Vlahos: Modelling and Transport and Chaos in Fusion Plasmas
D. Bartlett : The European Fusion Programme
D. Valougeorgis: Lattice Boltzmann Methods for MHD Flows
N. Vlachos: MHD Transport Phenomena
P. Lalousis: Magnetized Plasma-pellet Interactions
S. Messoloras: Fusion Technology - Materials
P. Lalousis: High Temperature Plasma
D. Valougeorgis: Recursive Method Algorithms
A. Anastasiadis: Cellular Automata and Magnetohydrodynamics
K. Avramides: Harmonic Coaxial Gyrotrons with Corrugated Inner Contactor
J. Pagonakis: Electron Beam Simulations in Microwave Sources
G. Anastasiou: Wave Propagation in Gyrotron Beam Tunnel
G. Breyiannis: The Lattice - Boltzmann Method
S. Narris: Magnetohydrodynamics in Boltzmann Lattice
D. Pappas: Plasma - Wall Interaction in Fusion Devices
N. Vlachos: Computational Methods in Fluid Dynamics
I. Sarris: Magnetic Field Effects on Natural Convection Flows
M. Tsalas: Chaotic Particle Dynamics in Magnetic Fields
I. Kourakis: Fokker - Planck Equation for a Particle in a Plasma
Last Updated (Wednesday, 29 December 2010 16:11)