CHAPTER C - C1 6th School and Workshop on Fusion Physics and Technology
C1 6th School and Workshop on Fusion Physics and Technology
The Administrative Committee of the Research Unit of the Association and the University of Thessaly organised the “Sixth School and Workshop on Fusion Physics and Technology”, held in Volos from 26 to 31 March 2007. Following the trend established during the previous years, this year’s School surpassed in success the previous ones. This time it lasted 6 days, to accommodate the large number of presentations, which were organised in 14 Sessions, of which 2 were Plenary, 5 for Fusion School, 4 as Workshop Sessions, 2 as Research Seminars and, last but not least, one full-day Colloquium on Gyrotrons. The lectures were given by 19 distinguished visiting scholars (in alphabetical order: Bühler, Bruhns, Carati, Constantinescu, Dammertz, Fuhr, Giruzzi, Hartmann, Hogge, Papastergiou, Peysson, Petrisor, Pometescu, Prinz, Ram, Thumm, Watkins, Weyssow, Zurita), as well as by the scientific personnel of the Association. The audience consisted of graduate students and young scientists (mostly, affiliated with the Research Unit), as well as students interested in participating in fusion activities. In order of presentation, the following talks were given:
Monday 26 March 2007
Plenary Session (1)
J. L. Vomvoridis, Introduction to Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion
A. Zurita, Invited lecture: The European Fusion Programme
L. Bühler, Invited lecture: MHD Research at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Fusion School (1)
M. Tsalas, Elements of Electrodynamics and Introduction to Plasma
Y. Kominis, Dynamics of Charged Particles (1) & (2)
A. Anastasiadis, Charged Particle Interaction with Non-Linear Structures
Workshop-1: MHD of Viscous Conducting Fluids
L. Buehler, Magneto-Ηydrodynamics of Liquid Metals
N. Vlachos, Modelling MHD Free Convection Flows of Liquid Metals in Cavities
N. Pelekasis, Modelling of Instabilities in MHD Cavity Flows
D. Carati, MHD of Viscous Conducting Fluids: A Proposal for a Modelling Task
Tuesday 27 March 2007
Plenary Session (2)
H. Bruhns, Invited lecture: Concepts of Fusion Devices beyond the Main Magnetic Confinement Approaches
D. Hartmann, Invited lecture: The Wendelstein Stellarator
Fusion School (2)
G. Throumoulopoulos, Introduction to Μagnetohydrodynamics (1) & (2)
N. Pelekasis, Magnetohydrodynamic Stability – Applications to MHD
Workshop-2: ECRH/ICR Heating
Y. Peysson, Invited lecture: RF Heating, Current Drive and Fast Particle Modelling Activity in the European ITM-TF
Y. Peysson, Invited lecture: RF Physics and Technology: Status and Selection of Challenging Issues
D. Hartmann, Invited lecture: ECRH/ICRH in W7-X
A. K. Ram, Invited lecture: Issues on ICRH/ECRH and Current Drive at PSFC-MIT
L. Vlahos, Non Linear Aspects on ECRH
I. Sandberg, Coupled Ion Temperature Gradient and Trapped Electron Modes in Tokamak Plasmas
Fusion School (3)
D. Carati, Invited lecture: Magnetohydrodynamics in Fusion Research
I. Vomvoridis, Kinetic Theory (1) & (2)
L. Vlahos, Waves and Instabilities
Workshop-3: Computer Codes for TOKAMAK
Y. Peysson, Advanced RF Current Drive Simulations in Tokamaks
G. Giruzzi, CRONOS Suite of Codes for Integrated Tokamak Modelling
G. Breyannis, Towards a Lattice Kinetic Code in Tokamak Geometry
G. Fuhr, BAREM code: Electromagnetic Effects on Plasma Edge Turbulence
Wednesday 28 March 2007
Fusion School (4)
A. K. Ram, Invited lecture: RF-Heating and Current Drive
K. Hizanidis, Introduction to Diffusion Processes
A. Giannacopoulos, Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications
M. Watkins, Invited lecture: JET Prepares for the ITER: Research Directions & Future Plans
Workshop-4: CFD Codes
P. Lalousis, Compressible MHD and Relevant Numerical Codes
D. Valougeorgis and G. Breyannis, A Lattice Boltzmann Code
D. Fidaros and N. Vlachos, A Curvilinear CFD Code for MHD Rotating Flows
Thursday 29 March 2007
Colloquium on Gyrotrons (1)
G. Giruzzi, Invited lecture: Heating and Current Drive by Electron Cyclotron Waves in Tokamak Plasmas
J.-P. Hogge, Invited lecture: Overview of a Gyrotron Assembly
K. A. Avramides and J. L. Vomvoridis, Basic theory of Cyclotron Resonance Maser and Gyrotron
M. Thumm, Invited lecture: State-of-the-art of Gyro-Devices and Free Electron Masers
G. Dammertz, Invited lecture: Beam Emitter, Gun, Tunnel, Collector and Window
Colloquium on Gyrotrons (2)
M. Thumm, Invited lecture: Quasi-Optical Gyrotron Mode Converters
O. Prinz, Invited lecture: 3-D Simulations of Quasi-Optical Gyrotron Mode Converters
J.-P. Hogge, Invited lecture: The Gyrotron Test Bed at CRPP
G. Dammertz, Invited lecture: Results of the 140 GHz, 1 MW, CW W7-X Gyrotron and the 170 GHz, 2 MW Shortpulse Coaxial ITER Pre-Prototype Gyrotron
Y. Kominis and L. Vlahos, Particle Dynamics, Kinetic Theory, Waves, Instabilities, Diffusion
G.Throumoulopoulos and Ν. Pelekasis, Magnetohydrodynamics
Friday 30 March 2007
Fusion School (5)
B. Weyssow, Invited lecture: Transport and Emission of Radiations in Tokamaks
D. Valougeorgis, Introduction to the Computational Solution of Partial Differential Equations
S. Kassinos, Computational Fluid Dynamics Models
P. Lalousis, Compressible Magnetohydrodynamics
S.Papastergiou, Invited lecture: Design of Fusion Blankets and Related MHD Phenomena
N. Vlachos, Architecture of Finite Volume CMHD Codes
Seminars of Researchers (1)
S. Kakarantzas, I.Sarris, A. Grecos, and N. Vlachos, Modelling MHD Flow in Cylindrical Domains
N. Pometescu, Radial Turbulent Transport of Ions in Tokamak Plasma with ICRH
I. Petrisor, Anisotropic Electrostatic Turbulence and Zonal Flow Generation
Η. Isliker, A Random Walk Approach to Anomalous Particle and Heat Transport
S. Moustaizis, E. Keskilidou, and P. Lalousis, Study of high density - high temperature plasma in mirror-like magnetic configurations and applications
Saturday 31 March 2007
Seminars of Researchers (2)
S. Varoutis, D. Valougeorgis, and C. Day, Computational and Experimental Investigation of Flows in Long Channels of Various Cross Sections Under Low, Medium and High Vacuum Conditions
S. Varoutis and D. Valougeorgis, Flow of a non Equilibrium Gas through a Short Tube into Vacuum, via the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method
D. Constantinescu, Study of Magnetic Field in Tokamaks using Hamiltonian Description and Mapping Techniques
Y. Kominis, Theory of Resonant Particle Interactions: Analytical Results Beyond the Quasilinear Approximation
K. A. Avramides, Possible Excitation of Parasitic Modes in a 170 GHz, 2 MW Gyrotron
G. Anastasiou, Gaussian Beam Amplification via Interaction with Planar Electronic Beam
X. Tsironis, L. Vlahos, and Th. Samaras, Full-Wave Modelling of EC Propagation with the FDTD Method
D. Strintzi, Recent Advances in Gyro-Fluid Modelling in Fusion Plasmas
G. Poulipoulis, Ray Tracing for Gaussian ICRH Beams in Fusion Plasmas
D. Fidaros, A. Grecos, and N. Vlachos, Modelling of MHD Flow in a Rotating Curvilinear Enclosure
G. Latsas, Interaction of TE Waves with Electron Beam in the Gyrotron Beam Channel
I. Gr. Pagonakis and J. L. Vomvoridis, An Efficient Beam Collector for Gyrotron Applications
N. Vlachos, Non Linear Phenomena and Turbulence in MHD Flows
Last Updated (Thursday, 03 February 2011 17:15)