CHAPTER C - C2 Other Fusion-Related Educational Activities in Greece
C2 Other Fusion-Related Educational Activities in Greece
During year 2007, a total of twelve graduate students were enrolled in the participating Universities, with fusion-related subjects. Of these, two students were participating in M.Sc. level programmes, and ten in Ph.D. programmes. Of the latter, two Ph. D. degrees were awarded during 2007, to Drs. D. Fidaros and Ch. Tsironis.
In addition, the following courses were given by faculty members (affiliated with the Association) to students, for education and training in fusion-related disciplines, in the frame of their University Curricula (hours per week per semester):
NTUA: Plasma Waves, 13 4 hours per semester (undergraduate),
NTUA: Beams and High-Power Microwaves, 13 4 hours per semester (undergraduate),
NTUA: Plasma Kinetic Theory, 13 3 hours per semester (graduate),
U. of Athens: Plasma Physics, 13 4 hours per semester (undergraduate),
U. of Ioannina: Introduction to Plasma Physics, 13 4 hours per semester (undergrad-uate),
U. of Ioannina: Energy Resources, 13 4 hours per semester (undergraduate; one third of the course concerns Fusion),
U. of Thessaly: Kinetic Theory and Non-equilibrium Flows, 13 3 hours per semester (graduate; 30% of the course concerns Fusion),
U. of Thessaly: Advanced Fluid Mechanics, 13 3 hours per semester (graduate; 10% of the course concerns Introduction to Fusion),
U. of Thessaloniki: Plasma Physics, 13 3 hours per semester (undergraduate),
U. of Thrace: Technology I, 13 4 hours per semester (undergraduate) (one third of the course covers Principles of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion and Controlled Fusion Devices),
Technical University of Crete: Laser Matter Interaction, 13 3 hours per semester (graduate; 10% of the course concerns Fusion),
Technical University of Crete: Laser plasma spectroscopy and diagnostics, 13 3 hours per semester (graduate; 10% of the course concerns Fusion),
U. of Cyprus: Statistical Theory and Models of Turbulent Flows, 13 3 hours per semester (graduate; one fourth of the course concerns Fusion).
Of these courses, the Plasma courses, in addition to providing the general background material, contain fusion as a discrete entity, while the one on Beams and High-Power Microwaves focuses on the physics of fusion plasma heating devices.
Τελευταία Ενημέρωση (Πέμπτη, 03 Φεβρουάριος 2011 17:15)