CHAPTER C - C4 2007 Co-operations and Mobility Missions
C4 2007 Co-operations and Mobility Missions
Most of the work of the Research Unit of the Association is performed in collaboration with other Associations. This is facilitated both by the eligibility of this work for preferential support, under the provisions for “Projects for enhancing the mutual co-operation between Associations”, as well as by the Mobility scheme of the Euratom Fusion Programme. During year 2007, the following missions were undertaken by personnel of the Research Unit:
Activity Code |
Topic of collaboration in Association work programme |
Institute (Place) |
Seconded Personnel |
Duration (days) |
Home |
Host |
1 |
Provision of Support to the Advancement of the ITER Physics Basis |
1.2 |
Energy and particle confinement and transport |
CEA (France) |
I. Sandberg |
28 |
CEA (France) |
I. Sandberg |
43 |
IPP (Germany) |
D. Strintzi |
29 |
Culham (UK) |
D. Strintzi |
31 |
Culham (UK) |
D. Strintzi |
42 |
1.3 |
MHD stability and plasma control |
U Thessaly |
ULB (Belgium) |
S. Kakarantzas |
28 |
U Thessaly |
ULB (Belgium) |
S. Kakarantzas |
28 |
U Thessaly |
ULB (Belgium) |
N. Pelekasis |
15 |
U Thessaloniki |
ULB (Belgium) |
H. Isliker |
13 |
FOM (Jϋlich) |
A. Lazaros |
148 |
1.5 |
Physics of plasma heating and current drive |
K. Hizanidis |
17 |
I. Kominis |
17 |
1.6 |
Energetic particle physics |
U Thrace |
Culham(UK) |
E. Evagelidis |
5 |
2 |
Development of plasma auxiliary systems |
2.1 |
Heating and current drive systems |
FZK (Germany) |
K. Avramides |
31 |
FZK (Germany) |
G. Anastasiou |
11 |
CRPP (Suisse) |
J. Vomvoridis |
15 |
CRPP (Suisse) |
K. Avramides |
30 |
CRPP (Suisse) |
G. Anastasiou |
14 |
CRPP (Suisse) |
K. Avramides |
11 |
U Athens |
CRPP (Suisse) |
I. Tigelis |
18 |
U Athens |
CRPP (Suisse) |
I. Tigelis |
31 |
U Athens |
CRPP (Suisse) |
I. Tigelis |
74 |
U Athens |
CRPP (Suisse) |
G. Latsas |
24 |
U Athens |
CRPP (Suisse) |
Z. Ioannidis |
31 |
U Athens |
FZK (Germany) |
I. Tigelis |
38 |
U Athens |
FZK (Germany) |
Z. Ioannidis |
38 |
U Athens |
FZK (Germany) |
G. Latsas |
16 |
2.2 |
Plasma diagnostics |
U Athens |
CRPP (Suisse) |
S. Mallios |
19 |
3. |
Development of concept improvements and advances in fundamental understanding of fusion plasmas |
3.4 |
Theory and Modelling |
U Ioannina |
IPP (Germany) |
G. Throumoulopoulos |
30 |
U Ioannina |
IPP (Germany) |
G. Throumoulopoulos |
35 |
U Thessaly |
FZK (Germany) |
S. Varoutis |
30 |
U Thessaly |
ENEA (Italy) |
G. Breyiannis |
28 |
TU Crete |
E Poly (France) |
J. Loupasakis |
7 |
TU Crete |
CEA (France) |
S. Moustaizis |
7 |
TU Crete |
E Poly (France) |
S. Moustaizis |
7 |
4. |
Underlying technology : Activities to complement EFDA technology programme |
4.4 |
MHD flows and turbulences |
U Cyprus |
ULB (Belgium) |
D. Grigoriadis |
29 |
U Cyprus |
ULB (Belgium) |
H. Radhakrishnan |
15 |
EFDA (Garching) |
P. Lalousis |
4 |
Last Updated (Thursday, 03 February 2011 17:16)